The Heinke Trophy Award
The Heinke Trophy is the Club's premier award. It was donated to the BSAC in 1958 by the old established British diving firm of Heinke, which had been making high quality hard-hat diving equipment for many years and had then developed its own special range of diving apparatus. Although the Company was later taken over by Siebe-Gorman, some of its original products continued to be made and were available from Collins and Chambers Ltd.
Heinke always took a pride in quality and service, so it is appropriate that this superb trophy, in the form of a shield with a silver sports diver motif, should be awarded annually to the BSAC Branch judged to have done the most to further the interests of its members and of the BSAC.
It is suggested that Branches prepare and keep yearly records of their activities and achievements using the format of a Heinke Trophy entry. For a year of particularly high achievement, such records could quickly be brought together to form an entry for the Heinke Trophy Award.
Past winners of the Heinke Trophy
(Where a Branch name is not shown, the Award was not made that year)
1958 | York |
1959 | London |
1960 | Brighton & Worthing |
1961 | Jamaica |
1962 | Southsea |
1963 | Southsea |
1964 | Southsea |
1965 | |
1966 | London |
1967 | |
1968 | Chelsea |
1970 | Reading |
1971 | |
1972 | |
1973 | Calypso, Malta |
1974 | Cayman Islands |
1975 | Bromley |
1976 | Perth, Scotland |
1977 | Reading |
1978 | London |
1979 | Blackpool & Fylde |
1980 | Bermuda |
1981 | Folkestone |
1982 | UCNW, Bangor |
1983 | Coopers, Slough |
1984 | Maidstone |
1985 | Weymouth & Portland |
1986 | Edinburgh University |
1987 | Staines & District |
1988 | Merseyside |
1989 | Bermuda |
1990 | |
1991 | Edinburgh University |
1992 | Doha |
1993 | Totnes |
1994 | Brunei |
1996 | Edinburgh |
1996 | High Wycombe |
1997 | Hull |
1998 | St Albans |
1999 | Clidive |
2000 | Leamington & Warwick |
2001 | Hereford |
2002 | Severnside |
2003 | Bishop Auckland |
2004 | Kingston & Elmbridge |
2005 | Leicester Underwater Exploration |
2006 | Totnes |
- The Award for presentation in any given year will consider the Branch's achievements in the previous calendar year from 1st January to 31st December.
- Branches wishing to submit an entry for the Award should inform HQ of their intention to do so by 30th November, using the form attached.
- The final entry should be sent to: Heinke Trophy Award, The British Sub-Aqua Club, Telford's Quay, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65 4FL, so as to arrive by 31st March. No extension of this closing date is allowed.
- Adjudication of entries begins on 1st April and the winning Branch will be announced in July.
- Winning entries will be held in the BSAC HQ Library as a permanent record of the Branch's achievement. If the Branch wishes to have original documents, photographs, exhibits, etc. returned to them, this should be clearly stated when the entry is submitted
- The Heinke Trophy Shield will be presented to the winning Branch at the BSAC's Annual Technical Conference. It will normally be held by the winning Branch until required for the next presentation, the following year.
- The Award is accompanied by a cash prize of £1000, to be used for furthering Branch diving and associated activities.
- The winning Branch will receive a Winners Certificate, signed by the BSAC Chairman and the Chief Adjudicator. As a permanent memento, the Branch will receive a Miniature Plaque bearing the Branch name and the year when the Trophy was won. Where it can be arranged, these will be presented by the Chief adjudicator at a suitable Branch social event.
- The Adjudicators may also award Certificates of Merit to other Branches whose entries show a sufficiently high standard of achievement.
Since the Heinke Trophy is awarded to the Branch judged to have done the most to further the interests of its members and of the BSAC, an entry submission should provide the adjudicating panel with all the information and documentation necessary to make such a judgement.
It is appreciated that some Branches may not have outstanding achievements in each area, so assessments will take account of Branch size.
The assessment considers the wide cross-section of Branch activities listed under four main headings. In order that a genuine assessment may be made of the Branch's overall performance, it is important that full details are given and that the entry material is presented in the order of the headings and sub-headings detailed below.
- Numbers: Totals of new and renewing Full, Junior and Associate Members at beginning and end of year. Are there - any special factors affecting intake of new members, or renewal of membership? - any specific action to retain interest of senior members?
- Snorkelling: Does the Branch offer Snorkel Diver membership? Give details of numbers and organisation. Is there a Snorkelling Club associated with the Branch?
- Administration: Branch organisation, rules, subscriptions, committee meetings, AGM. To what extent is the ordinary member involved in the running of the Branch?
- Information: Communication with members, newsletters, notice boards, printed dive programmes. Are any special provisions made for new members on joining?
- Promotion: How are prospective members made aware of your Branch? Detail any promotional action taken during the year.
Diver Training
- Water-work: Arrangements and frequency of water training sessions for individuals and groups, tests and assessment of ability. Give details of open water training dives held for qualifying tests.
- Theory Lessons: Lesson arrangements for beginners and advanced divers. Are lessons run on a course basis? Is practical work on equipment included?
- Courses: Give details of courses attended by members which led to logbook endorsements. What successes were achieved?
- Qualifications: List diver and instructor qualifications held by members, and show how many were gained during the year.
- Equipment: Summary of Branch equipment: diving boats, compressors, etc. Additions and improvements in the year. What arrangements are made for maintenance and servicing? To what extent are members involved in this?
Diving Activities
- Branch Dives: Frequency and organisation of dives, other than for strictly training purposes - sites used: inland, coastal, boat dives. Were arrangements made for both novice and experienced divers during the year?
- Expeditions: Give full details of extended periods of diving, Branch holidays, special projects, e.g., recovery (including work of benefit to the community), activities involving repeated dives at one site over the year.
- Scientific: Marine studies, archaeology, surveys, conservation activities, etc., within Branch or in conjunction with other Branches or agencies. Give details of objectives and results obtained.
- Competitions: Participation by members in local, national or international events, e.g. octopush, fin swimming, U/W photography. Give results. Was Branch involved in organising or running?
General Activities
- Branch Meetings: Are there regular meetings for members? Does the Branch hire rooms or own a Clubhouse? Give details of facilities available and usage.
- Social: Give details of social functions, e.g. dances, held regularly or on an occasional basis. Have there been any fund raising activities? Give purpose and achievements.
- Publicity: Details of galas, displays, open nights. Articles in local and national press, specialist journals. On behalf of Branch, Club or other organisation? Does the Branch have a Public Relations Officer?
- Conferences and Courses: Give details of conferences attended by Branch members. Has the Branch organised or contributed to running any local or national conference or courses, e.g. Boat Handling, Lifesaver Award? Give details, purpose and results.
Special Achievements
- Account will also be taken of achievements falling outside the range of normal Branch organisation and events. For example, significant purchase or building of a clubhouse, pool, boat: involvement in local, national social or humanitarian enhancement: special major project of scientific, archaeological or ecological nature: overcoming a major difficulty in reforming or running the Branch.
Entry Presentation
- The quality and make-up of the entry will be taken into account when adjudicating the Award. For example, clarity of descriptions, supporting facts and materials, binding, inclusion of photographs, press cuttings, etc., and also the extent of involvement by Branch members in the preparation of the entry.
- Entries must be in printed rather than electronic format. The only non-printed material that will be accepted are supporting VHS video tapes.
The HEINKE TROPHY was first awarded in 1958. The winners on that occasion were York Branch BSAC. Since then, the Trophy has been won by many Branches, some winning on more than one occasion. The objects of the Trophy have remained unchanged: to acknowledge a Branch's service to its own members and to the BSAC as a whole.
The rules for entry have evolved from time to time to enable the Adjudicators to make a better assessment of Branch's performance. If your Branch has:
- entered for the Heinke Trophy in the past, or
- is proposing to enter for the Award this year, or
- may wish to submit an entry for the Award in the future,
... the Adjudicators would welcome comments or suggestions for its improvement.
So that the style and quality of entries can be inspected by Branches who are thinking of entering for the Heinke Trophy, past winning entries are held in the library at BSAC HQ and can be viewed during normal office hours by prior arrangement.
Complete the form and print it out, then return by 30th November 2002, to: Heinke Trophy Award
2021, BSAC HQ, Telford's Quay, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65 4FL UK