BSAC Branch 427



Travel via Swansea/Cork overnight ferry on SUNDAY 29th June 2002 return overnight on SATURDAY 6th July 2002

Ten boat dives, cylinders, air and weight belts

Luxury en-suite accommodation and full meals

free use of Gym, Sauna and Swimming Pool

Non-Divers deduct £100.00 from total cost

If you wish to fly, enquire from Click Here to enquire on flights direct for prices ( Stanstead to Kerry)

Special Offer Price  £ 450.00   based on two sharing



 Scraggane Pier, 

The Maharees,


 Co Kerry


Dining Room


Perhaps it is the urgent call of Dingle or even the Conor Pass – but for whatever reason a great many travellers from Tralee pass the signpost for Castlegregory ~ never visit the place. That is both good and bad. It is good because it means this admirable village seldom suffers the pressure on accommodation that at times splits Dingle at the seams. It is bad because so many don't know what they are missing. Castlegregory sits in the middle of a veritable animal and bird sanctuary; it has as its back garden an incredible wilderness, including the wonderful coum of Glanteenassig (the valleys of the waterfall); it has more than its share of colourful, even eccentric, hostelries; and it has a history for those curious to inquire both rich and poignant. In terms of size, the little town on the shore of Lough Gill may be only a backwater of its former self -that of course is the story of these parts. At the turn of the century, it rivalled Tralee as a burgeoning metropolis. Now, with the railroad gone and whole generations emigrated, there remain only slimmed down versions of the fishing and vegetable-growing industries and all their subsidiary crafts that once made the place buzz. But Castlegregory retains a legacy from its golden age: a certain confidence and energy disproportionate to its size -  and with its increasing orientation toward tourism seems set to prosper again.

Send an E-Mail to Contact Rose Sutehall for further details on reserving your place.


Sitting Room / Lounge Area

Tel ++ 353 66 71 39292 

Fax ++ 353 66 71 39557

Typical Bedroom


Harbour House has grown from small beginnings to the stage where it now comprises of thirteen en-suite twin bedrooms all with epic sea views, large changing room, shower block, drying room, lecture rooms, dive shop, meeting rooms, tv lounge, spacious social   lounge   and   restaurant   with   panoramic  views of the breathtaking scenery of the Maharee Islands. Today the whole family is involved in the running of the centre, Sandra, Aileen, Ronnie and Phillip are all experienced Instructors. They teach the  full  range  of  PADI   Courses from Open Water to Instructor. 



Baldy Dave